Why EQcure
Stunning treatment results.
Relatively short treatment period.
Knowledge, expertise, experience.
Great passion and affinity with horses.
Passion, intrinsic involvement and enthusiasm.
Method EQcure
EQcure works practically and energetic.
Treatment of injuries
Additionally, the vet will start mapping the imbalance so that it becomes clear where the problem is. The imbalance either the blockade, is energetically treated, which reduces pain and returns the balance. Blessures can thus be treated in a very short time, with remarkably positive results.
EQcure always works as a supplement to the veterinary treatment methods and never replaces regular medical care.
Improve horse performance
When rider and horse are physically, mentally and emotionally unbalanced, it is difficult to deliver really good results. Or there are regular recurring blockages while riding. Then EQcure helps equip rider and horse and work as a team.
Usually the cause is a mental situation with the rider, where the horse is sensitive to responses. Through visualizations and changing the mindset of the rider, equestrian and horse equilibrium and improve the mutual relationship. This ensures maximum performance and enjoyable riding, for both rider and horse.
EQcure always supports and is not a substitute for solid horse riding lessons.
Treatment of behavioral problems
If a horse has had a traumatic experience or past and there is regular recurring inexplicable behavior, EQcure helps explain the behavior by revealing the experience. Reiki treatments make the problem solved.
Communicate with horses
The “talking” with animals goes on an intuitive telepathic way. If I want to get in touch with an animal, I will do that at the energetic level. I will ask questions and get an answer from the animal in the form of images, words, feelings or knowledge. When an animal has physical complaints I will experience it during communication as well.
Some examples of reasons to request a consultation:
- behavioral problems or other problems of your horse
- if you want to know something about the past of your horse
- in case of unclear health problems of your horse
- injuries, where support can be used for float recovery
- horse and rider in combination to treat to better results
- what does my horse need for training /exercise
Frequently asked questions!
What does EQcure do?
Focused on injuries in horses and performance when driving, the latter especially for riders. Traumatized horses deal with balance. Sick, injured horses deal with faster recovery.
EQcure always works in addition to the treatment methods of the veterinarian and is never a replacement for the regular medical care.
EQcure works always supportive and is not a substitute for proper riding lessons.
What is Touch for Health?
Touch for Health is a method that muscle and energy strengthening works. By muscle testing can muscle weaknesses and energy blockages are detected and corrected. The aim is to activate the self-healing capacity of the body. This can also be used in animals, with an intermediary. This is in contact with the animal and will undergo testing.
Reiki – what is it and what does it do?
Reiki, the word, consists of two Japanese characters: Rei and Ki. It means universal life energy. When Reiki is applied, the body, soul and mind are seen as a whole in the healing process. The passing on of this energy takes place by laying on of hands or it can be passed on remotely. This transfer of energy has a positive influence on disharmony in the body.
TTouch horse, what is it?
TTouch is gentle but has a very deep working through touching. The TTouch is a circular motion, very light, run on the skin of the horse either with the whole hand, the fingers or parts of the hand. There is also a method where the skin is lightly lifted and let go or where you the skin is stroked in a certain manner. Some Touches include certain movement of the legs, tail, ears etc.
TTouch is not a massage. Massage is a method which is acted directly upon on the muscles. There is much more pressure, and the movement is also unlike the TTouches. You need knowledge of the muscles, and this for the TTouch not necessary.
Ttouch works on the nervous system of the horse. The purpose of the Touches is to make the horse more aware of his body, to give him more self awareness and to improve coordination therefor to resolve any tensions and to promote the health of the horse.
Rate per horse: €200 per session
Rate per rider: €250 per session
Price does not include travel expenses and travel time fee.
(appointment cancelation must be done at least 24 hours in advance to appointment, otherwise the full fee will be charged)